
Positive Behaviour for Learning


​​​​​​​​​Welcome to Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Program

At Manly West State School, we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing learning environment for our students. Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program is designed to foster a positive school culture, promote academic success, and teach essential life skills.

What is PBL?

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a proactive and systematic approach to establishing and maintaining a school environment where the focus is on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviours rather than reacting to negative behaviours.
Our PBL program is built on three key pillars:
1. Teaching Positive Behaviours: We teach students what appropriate behaviour looks like in various school settings. This includes classrooms, hallways, the cafeteria, and beyond. We believe that students can learn the behaviours we expect of them, just like any other subject.
2. Reinforcing Positive Behaviours: When students exhibit the positive behaviours we teach, they are recognized and rewarded for their efforts. This recognition can come in various forms, including verbal praise, certificates, and tangible rewards.
3. Consistency and Data-Driven Decision Making: Our PBL program is rooted in consistent expectations and data collection. We use data to assess the effectiveness of our program, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that our school is a positive, safe, and productive place for all.

The Four Components of Our PBL Program

1. Universal Expectations: We establish clear and consistent expectations for behaviour throughout our school. These expectations apply to all students and all staff members. They create a common language and understanding of what is considered appropriate behaviour.
2. Teaching and Reinforcement: We actively teach and model the expected behaviours, so students know what is expected of them. When students meet these expectations, they receive positive reinforcement to encourage continued positive behaviour.
3. Data Collection and Analysis: We collect data on behaviour incidents and use this information to make data-driven decisions to improve our PBL program continually. This ensures that our program remains effective and relevant.
4. Tiered Support: Some students may require additional support to meet behaviour expectations. We provide tiered support that can range from small interventions to individualized plans to help every student succeed.

Benefits of Our PBL Program

Improved school climate
Increased academic engagement
Enhanced student-teacher relationships
Reduction in disciplinary incidents
Development of essential life skills
Encouragement of social and emotional growth

Get Involved!

We believe that a strong partnership between our school and families is crucial for the success of our PBL program. Here are ways you can get involved:
1. Attend PBL meetings and workshops.
2. Reinforce the PBL principles at home.
3. Encourage open communication with your child and their teachers.
Together, we can create a positive and productive learning environment for all students at Manly West State School. If you have any questions or would like more information about our Positive Behaviour for Learning program, please don't hesitate to reach out to our school administration.
Thank you for your commitment to making our school a great place to learn and grow!

Last reviewed 31 October 2023
Last updated 31 October 2023