Opening hours
Orders can be placed all year round via the QKR! App. Orders are fulfilled once per week and delivered to your child via their classroom. The uniform shop is also open on Wednesday's for anyone who needs to come in or try items on.
At the start of each year, opening hours will be extended and communicated via eflash and the P&C Facebook page.
Wearing of hats
Manly West State School has a no hat - no play policy. Hats are to be worn when students are in the open, during certain lessons, when on an excursion, and for physical education activities. Your support of this effort is sought by providing your child with a suitable shady hat and insisting that he/she brings it to school.
Boys uniform
- Shirt: green and white check shirt, or green polo shirt
- Shorts: green stubbies or ruggers, long length style or bottle green microfibre shorts, or cargo pants
- Shoes: black shoes with substantial protective uppers (no thongs or sandals)
- Socks: ankle length, white
- Hat: bottlegreen
Girls uniform
- Shirt: green and white check dress or shirt, or green polo shirt
- Shorts: bottle green microfibre shorts or skorts
- Shoes: shoes with substantial protective uppers (no thongs allowed)
- Socks: ankle length, white
- Hat: bottle green
Sports uniform
The sports uniform is the same as the school uniform except that the students wear a polo shirt representing their house colours.
There are three sports houses at Manly West State School:
- KURRAWAH, which means "Stingray", is represented by red
- WOY WOY, which means "Dolphin", is represented by blue
- TINONEE, which means "Shark", is represented by yellow
QKR! online ordering
Orders can be placed on-line using the QKR! app
Apple App