Manly West State School students love their sport. We have two ovals, one with a full-size football field and our very own swimming pool. Students have opportunity to participate in both club (Monday evening) and in class swimming lessons.
Manly West State School is highly involved in intraschool and interschool sport. We have three sports houses, Tinonee (Yellow), Kurrawah (Red) and Woy Woy (Blue). These sports house names link our school to our local indigenous community and the beautiful nearby Moreton Bay. The names are aboriginal words: Tinonee - the shark, Kurrawah - the Stingray and Woy- Woy - the dolphin.
Each sports house has two captains, who builds their house spirit through encouraging student participation in their team and chanting a very entertaining variety of war cries. The students compete for the Merv Bietz shield for athletics and an annual shield for swimming.
Our students are involved in track and field events on a sports carnival day, with all children from prep to year 6 encouraged to be involved. There are two separate sports carnivals - Prep to year 3 and year 4 to 6. Children are also involved with an interhouse swimming carnival, usually held at the end of the year. Again this is separated into lower and upper school carnivals.
Manly West State School is also involved with interschool sport. Winter sports consist of Rugby League, Soccer, Netball and Volleyball, while summer sports comprise Australian Rules and Seagull Tag (Oztag). Our school also competes in cross country, district swimming, schools with pools and athletics.
Students who perform well in any of these sports, may also be selected to represent the district and ultimately if good enough, their state. Students who excel in other sports are also given chance to trial for these and are supported where possible.